Tag Archives: AFIB heartbeat

TOF, AFIB heartbeat and Anxiety journey

TOF, AFIB Heartbeat and Anxiety.
TOF, AFIB Heartbeat and Anxiety journey

How has my TOF, AFIB heartbeat and Anxiety made my life “interesting”?

I have this urge to catalog my TOF(Tetralogy of Fallot),  AFIB heartbeat and Anxiety journey. Why?……Hmmm. Just to see it there. On “paper” or rather a screen. To remind me to be grateful to so many people, to know anything is possible. To thank God.

So I write because it gives me perspective, insight and possibly hope to others too. In this journey, there were a few times that I thought THIS IS IT!! No hope! But every time there was something. When I saw how my heart made my shirt bounce and felt like I was going to die, but miraculously I lived! (At age 23) It made me grateful for everything. Could my curse be a blessing? Continue reading TOF, AFIB heartbeat and Anxiety journey