Category Archives: AFIB treatment options

You Think Goals are Going to Help You With Your Health?

Try habits!

The words “Habits to be made” in neon light sign.
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

I’m not an anti-goal setter. I set goals all the time, but that is not always what gets me through the grind. I need a daily thing. You can call it habits, ok we all call it habits.

Goals inspire us. They make you feel good about yourself. You do all those nice stuff like visualization meditating on it and so on. For how long?

First forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you’re inspired or not. -Octavia Butler

You know there are those superhumans who put a goal up on their wall and just follow it?

Continue reading You Think Goals are Going to Help You With Your Health?

Atrial Fibrillation Notebook

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash


When did these palpitations start? How long did they last? What did it feel like? Could I identify possible triggers? What medication did I take, how much? Did I take my pulse?

Record it here

These are only a few of the questions your doctor could ask you.

What about all the questions you have for him? My first few appointments I had question upon question. I don’t remember all the answers.


Keep all your experiances in one place.

All the questions, the answers, medication types and quantities. Possible triggers.

Keep it in this Notebook. Get it HERE

Please share this email, and if you buy this notebook leave a comment.

Apple Watch Detected my Atrial Fibrillation. I Thought “WOW”

Personal experience and some features of the Apple Watch.

Photo by Daniel Cañibano on Unsplash

Watching the launch of the new Apple watch series 5, back in 2019, I wondered if this watch could really detect AFIB? The short answer is YES. The long answer will include which Apple series watch can do this. How accurate. What about the ECG?. Palpitations and other irregular heartbeats? Can it take your blood pressure?

I have some personal experience to share.

Continue reading Apple Watch Detected my Atrial Fibrillation. I Thought “WOW”

Unexpected Cardiac Ablation

I was only meant to go for a consultation but things turned and a heart ablation was on the cards.

Photo by Piron Guillaume on Unsplash. Example of operation theater.

My heart went out of rhythm 5 times last year. The first one was on 6 January 2020.

I don’t smoke, not overweight, do not misuse alcohol, and don’t have high blood pressure.

But I was born with Tetralogy of Fallot(TOF). And I have had a long heart journey.

I had 4 cardio versions last year.

All of them were for atrial fibrillation (AFIB)and I felt blessed that my heart cardioverted after the joules were administered.

Some of my cardiologist’s comments.

Continue reading Unexpected Cardiac Ablation

My Youtube channel 2020

I have a Youtube channel and post videos from time to time.

The name of my channel is janco vorster and here is a link to it.

Some of my videos include my Cape Town Cycle Tour experience.

Then my heart rhythm problems of this year started.

I had my 4th cardioversion of this year by the end of August.

Visit to my electrophysiologist in Pretoria to find out if a 2nd ablation is possible.

My ablation experience.

Hope this can help you in your heart journey.

Please comment and share!

Coronavirus, AFIB, and Cardio-version…What I learned!

This should have been a “routine” ER visit!

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

This was not the first time I went to the ER for my AFIB. I expected it to go as smooth as……., yes my ER visits usually go smooth. Doesn’t yours?

Ok let’s say my previous 2 ER visits went so smooth it almost felt like a drive-thru take away. You drive-in, you order and you drive off satisfied.

But…. Here in South Africa our drive-thru takeaways have been closed for the past 7 weeks. That should have given me a clue. I ignored the clue. I went for the drive-thru option at the ER. That was what I was hoping for!

Continue reading Coronavirus, AFIB, and Cardio-version…What I learned!

My Heart Palpitations Were Not Ectopic Heartbeats …. but I Knew It

AFIB wanted to invade my life again! Cardioversion was looming

Family enjoying a beach vacation

The serenity prayer is wonderful, and it is used everywhere. I also believe in it. But sometimes I struggle with the first part.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” (Reinhold Niebuhr)

“To accept the things I cannot change.” Difficult.

What I find difficult to accept is the words of my cardiologist. He said: “Your right atrium is just too big; that is what puts you into AFIB.”

OK, so what happened?

Continue reading My Heart Palpitations Were Not Ectopic Heartbeats …. but I Knew It


Apple Watch Series 4 (GPS+Cellular,40mm) Gold AluminiumCase

I was watching the launch of the new Apple watch series 5 and with amazement wondered if this watch could really detect AFIB? The short answer is YES. The long answer will include which Apple series watch can do this. How accurate. What about the ECG?. Palpitations and other irregular heartbeats? Can it take your blood pressure?


Cardioversion for my Atrial Fibrillation arrhythmia


Cardioversion for my Atrial Fibrillation, not a great way to start the year. OK I was very happy that the cardioversion put my heartbeat back in place, but realising that I’m in AFIB on Thursday night was BAD!

To say the least, I’m disappointed in my heart’s behavior. I did my part. No stimulants, no cough medicine, no alcohol, no dehydration, no excessive use of caffeine, no smoking(I, never in any case)

Every time my heart goes into AFIB I go on a sort of “fact-finding mission” What did I eat, drink or do? What should I not have done? Could I have prevented it?

Continue reading Cardioversion for my Atrial Fibrillation arrhythmia

8 New Atrial Fibrillation treatment guidelines and diagnosis options 2019.

Atrial Fibrillation treatment and diagnosis
Atrial Fibrillation treatment and diagnosis – New horizons?

Atrial Fibrillation treatment and diagnosis is getting better.

Why? Because we have an aging population, technology is getting better, we are learning more about atrial fibrillation, afibbers are increasing in number and therefore there is more data available and the segment of adult CHD(congenital heart defect) survivors is also getting bigger.

Do you know anything about: SK Channels, Biomarkers, Multi-electrode RF Balloon, CardioInsight Noninvasive 3D Mapping System, Your GP?, Genome-wide association study(GWAS), Smartwatch, Wireless, At-home patch?

Have you heard of these new atrial fibrillation treatment and diagnosis breakthroughs? Read on…. Continue reading 8 New Atrial Fibrillation treatment guidelines and diagnosis options 2019.

AFIB treatment options that can help you

AFIB treatment options
thisAFIB treatment options(There are OPTIONS – Left-Right or Straight!)

There is hope for you

AFIB treatment options have given hope to millions of people throughout the world and will continue to do so. It is something that is ever-changing and new developments are always on the horizon. Our job, as AFIB warriors, is to keep on hoping, believing and managing our bodies.  Here’s the deal….. Continue reading AFIB treatment options that can help you