Tag Archives: #afib

Atrial Fibrillation Notebook

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash


When did these palpitations start? How long did they last? What did it feel like? Could I identify possible triggers? What medication did I take, how much? Did I take my pulse?

Record it here

These are only a few of the questions your doctor could ask you.

What about all the questions you have for him? My first few appointments I had question upon question. I don’t remember all the answers.


Keep all your experiances in one place.

All the questions, the answers, medication types and quantities. Possible triggers.

Keep it in this Notebook. Get it HERE

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Unexpected Cardiac Ablation

I was only meant to go for a consultation but things turned and a heart ablation was on the cards.

Photo by Piron Guillaume on Unsplash. Example of operation theater.

My heart went out of rhythm 5 times last year. The first one was on 6 January 2020.

I don’t smoke, not overweight, do not misuse alcohol, and don’t have high blood pressure.

But I was born with Tetralogy of Fallot(TOF). And I have had a long heart journey.

I had 4 cardio versions last year.

All of them were for atrial fibrillation (AFIB)and I felt blessed that my heart cardioverted after the joules were administered.

Some of my cardiologist’s comments.

Continue reading Unexpected Cardiac Ablation

The mental side of AFIB, Ectopic heartbeats, and arrhythmia

Fear, anxiety, and panic attacks are real.

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Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash

I love my cardiologist. He keeps my heart in rhythm. He is the fixer. His knowledge of my heart and heart rhythm keeps me going. He has insight into what type of medicine will keep me in rhythm.

He has the tools of the trade.

The echocardiogram is also known as ultrasound and it scans the heart and also creates an image of the heart. It looks at heart chambers, movement of the heart, and also the heart valves.

He uses his electrocardiogram to record the electrical signals inside my heart. The stethoscope is used to listen to my heart. Listening for any heart murmurs or such.

Other test’s

Continue reading The mental side of AFIB, Ectopic heartbeats, and arrhythmia

My Cardioversion experience and recovery.

This was not my first AFIB episode or cardioversion.

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Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash

I feel it!

Many people have asked me how I know if my heart is out of rhythm. In my case, I feel it. In many of my previous episodes, I even know the precise moment it goes out.

In nearly all the cases I hope and pray that it’s Ectopic beats(I have written about them previously) but this year I’ve had 4 AFIB “attacks”. I call them attacks others call it an episode. Well, they attack me. My life changes immediately after I feel that beat go out.

I start thinking about my work, cycling, time in the hospital, “farm” work, church meetings, my wife, my life, children, and mother.

It changes everything I have planned for the next few days. Previously it was “sort of easy” because it was an easy in and out of the emergency room. But no! corona is here and now every man, child, dog, cat, chicken, and whatever must be tested.

What now?

Continue reading My Cardioversion experience and recovery.