Tag Archives: Heart Arrhythmia Problem


My afib Cape Town Cycle Tour
Cape Town Cycle Tour


This will be my 6th Cape Town Cycle Tour. Will I beat my best time of 04:09:01 in 2014, and does my 2,5mg Bisoprolol taking AFIB heart slow me down?

Last year I did not take part in the short “fire” race, but this year I am ready to take on the 109km. I’m very happy and blessed to have received an entry for the Cape Town Cycle Tour of 2016, after the announcement of the new entry procedure.

Does anyone have enough time to train? It was the same this year, I felt that I just did not train enough.

With work, children, work again, blog/website, other meetings, school meetings, work again, some squash games, chores around the house, driving children to all sorts of activities, it was difficult to do more than an hour and a half every second day. Many days I missed my bike, and in January, I missed a whole week.

So for January, I did 452km and February 420km. About 90% of that was on a mountain bike in the Free State. OK! and I know the lack of mountains in the Free State are obvious, but what can I do, I live here.

This year I’m going for a sub 04:00:00, and that means anything quicker than four hours will work for me. Are there people only working four hours per week? Yes! I have read the Tim Ferriss Four Hour Work Week book, and I hope to achieve it one day.

Sorry for that, just got sidetracked by that four- hour target. My best time of 04:09:01 timed by Racetec in 2014 was so so close, but yet so far.

Many of my Mountain Bike buddies have done the Cape Town Cycle Tour under 4 hours, and some sub 3:30 with their mountain bikes! Yes I hope you feel sorry for me because sometimes I ride with them and they only go on and on, on those bikes of them. I have done the last 3 Cape Town Cycle Tour races on an old Raleigh RC3000.

My plan is to use the Raleigh the last time this year, break the four hours and then do a nice slow site seeing tour next year on my mountain bike. The Cape Town Cycle Tour is the largest timed cycle race in the world, about 35 000 people take part in it every year. I think it is the most beautiful race, but I cannot say in the world because I have not done any race outside of South Africa yet. Below is a photo taken in 2011 from Table Mountain in Cape Town during the Cape Town Cycle Tour weekend.

Cape Town Table Mountain
Cape Town Table Mountain

Does my Bisoprolol and enlarged right atrium make me slower? I do not know because the larger atrium has been there for, I believe from my birth, and I have been using Bisoprolol for many years. I have read that a side effect can be lassitude, but it is difficult for me to say because I have been using it so long. Truth be told, after about 100km on my bike I do get a bit lazy to push those pedals down.

Actually, I do not care that much if it slows me down because I’m just happy to be AFIB free for the past two plus years and able to do things like the beautiful “Argus” as it is known by most of the “old” Cape Town Cycle Tour cyclist.


Heart Arrhythmia Problem

Heart Arrhythmia Problems



It’s all in your head this heart arrhythmia problem.

Maybe you have heard this before. This heart arrhythmia problem thing is just in your head, get over it. Well, the thing is you cannot just get over it because it’s not in your head it is in your heart, because that is where a heart arrhythmia problem is.I read an interesting blog from Danielle Urquhart who has Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (IST) and her “8 Important things every IST sufferer wants you to know.” And it got me thinking about how other people saw my Afib, and seemingly normal life (OK I feel that I do have a normal life, even better than normal – I’m blessed).

For me, one of the big problems is that nobody can see your “problem” and this caused me to think that I am overreacting. I have had different types of Afib attacks during the years. This included episodes where it felt as if I am going to die, because my heart was beating so fast, it felt that it would run off for good, never to return to a normal sinus rhythm. Continue reading Heart Arrhythmia Problem