I have had heart problems from birth, but AFIB was only diagnosed when I
was about 23 years of age. It was a big shock.
I was told that I had a heart arrhythmia called AFIB.
I thought the surgery on my Tetralogy of Fallot heart sorted everything
out, but it was only the start of my heart palpitations panic attacks story.
I got married when I was 24.
I did not know much about AFIB, it felt like the doctors were also still “looking to see what’s my problem”, I was confused, young, scared, afraid of dying and …..
I could feel my heart beating….irregularly and out of rhythm.
I thought ” would I ever see my children” and ” will I be too weak to play with them” so yes, it was a big shock.
I have also experienced and read on forums that doctors sometimes do
not take afib seriously and you are sent home with a “don’t worry, it won’t
kill you”, but the problem is you can FEEL your heart.